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စာမျက်နှာ:Treaty of Peace with Ava.pdf/၁

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ဤစာမျက်နှာကို ပရုမဖတ်ရသေးပါ

THE COURT OF AVA having refused to make amends for the injuries
and insults which British subjects had suffered at the hands of its servants,
the Governor General of India in Council resolved to exact reparation by
force of arms.

The Forts and Cities upon the Coast were forthwith attacked and
captured ; the Burman forces have been dispersed wherever they have
been met; and the Province of PEGU is now in the occupation of British

The just and moderate demands of the Government of India have
been rejected by the King: The ample opportunity that has been afforded
him for repairing the injury that was done, has been disregarded ; and the
timely submission which alone could have been effectual to prevent the
dismemberment of his kingdom, is still withheld.

Wherefore, in compensation for the past, and for better security in
the future, the Governor General in Council has resolved, and hereby
Proclaims, that the Province of PEGU is now, and shall be henceforth, a
portion of the British Territories in the East.

Such Burman troops as may still remain within the Province shall be
driven out. Civil Government shall immediately be established ; and
Officers shall be appointed to administer the affairs of the several districts.

The Governor General in Council hereby calls on the Inhabitants of
PEGU to submit themselves to the authority, and to confide securely in the
protection of the British Government ; whose power they have seen to be
irresistible, and whose rule is marked by justice and beneficence.

The Governor General in Council, having exacted the reparation he
deems sufficient, desires no further conquest in Burmah, and is willing to
consent that hostilities should cease.